Investor FAQs

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Where is iPower's corporate headquarter?
We are headquartered in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
When and where is iPower incorporated?
We were formed in Nevada in April 2018.
What is iPower’s fiscal year?
July 1 - June 30
What is iPower’s mission?
iPower’s mission is to be the most trusted online retailer and supplier of consumer home, pet and garden products, as well as a provider of value-added ecommerce services for third-party products and brands.
When did iPower go public? What was the IPO price?
iPower first traded on Nasdaq on May 12, 2021. The IPO price was $5.00 per share.
What is iPower’s ticker symbol? Where is iPower’s stock traded?
We are traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange under the ticker symbol IPW.
How do I find iPower’s current stock price?
You can find our current stock price here on our website or by Googling “NASDAQ:IPW”.
Does iPower pay dividends?
We do not anticipate paying dividends for the foreseeable future, so that we can retain future earnings for the operation and expansion of our business.
Who is iPower’s transfer agent? Who can I talk to about my stock?
VStock Transfer, LLC is our transfer agent. Below is the contact info:

VStock Transfer, LLC
18 Lafayette Place
Woodmere, New York 11598
Phone: (212) 828-8436
Where can I find out more about iPower?
Visit to learn all about iPower.
How can I submit an investor inquiry?
You can reach our investor relations team through this contact form.
Where should I go for a press inquiry?
Visit contact form to find the right contact.
Where can I find corporate news releases?
Our latest press releases are right here.
How can I view documents iPower has filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10Q?
We post all of these to our SEC filings page. You may also find them on the SEC website.
Who serves on iPower’s Executive Team?
You can find the team in the Governance section.
Can I get iPower investor updates by email?